Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Looooooooooooooong meeting

The life goes on. Today, I have the longest meeting in my life. We just stop for pray and lunch. It was difficult situation but I had to relax. Fortunately, the negotiation run well and we got chance to do cooperation. Thank God, you sent me good staffs and friend that I am working with. I can release my tension by seeing their smile. Tomorrow, I will take my holiday... to see my another lovely family and village. Long weekend and gonna miss you all.


Deshinta Arrova Dewi said...

What a long day indeed......:-))
Glad that you gain the best result and you deserve for a nice indulge holiday weekend with family........
** Smile **

kiky fitriyanti said...

why don't you stop by at my house...jakarta? :P

patra rina said...

Mba Des, Kiky
I had long meeting at my office in Padang
drain my energy a lot !
but I learn much today.......
It's not easy to be leader but quite fun, though
Thanks mba Des....I will enjoy my holiday

Stalis Armando Rodado said...

have great holiday, and you ll have great photos ;-)!

patra rina said...

Thx Stalis
I will send pictures to MP next day