Wednesday, February 21, 2007

True friend of mine

The day just changed to be Thursday, 00:04 am on my clock, silent nite but not silent heart and mind. Sad… very sad! I wanna scream but I wont do that coz everybody is sleeping beside I never do that such thing. How can I say…  When I was using my laptop to type these words as you read, I really feel so sad. I cant explain to you in detail. It is something about responsibility, about mistake but not mine in this case. I don’t want to blame anyone. Talking about “professionalism”, I have to notice all as my fault. And I should not use any reason to put anyone in difficult situation, I have to pass it smoothly even though there are a lot of pieces in my heart right now…. It’s hurt.
Actually, I hate to say that I am very sad and I need to cry but everything seems blur Hmm..  I can’t let any tear come out of my eyes, not even one! Stay strong!
I,ve tried to call my best friend but she switched off the phone, may be she was so tired… after midnite though. I still tried to call another friend but she just let my phone ring, didn’t want to take my phone. I sent sms, said that I need friend to talk. I know she haven’t slept yet coz she miscalled at that time. She replied my sms “Sorry, my day was also not good, so I am afraid we can’t have good conversation."
Again, I can’t blame them, everybody has right to get rest after drained energy to work all day. Oh please… I really need someone to talk. Suddenly, I remember a friend who always has time for me, who I can share all sorrows. Yes, he is the right person for this emergency situation. He must listen to me and would never throw even my stupid story as rubbish. Thank God!
Thanks for someone out there who never get bored to listen my bad stories, who can release my shoulder from the heavy things and make my voice normal again (pampered girl), who succeed to find good news to tell so I can laugh again and forget my pain, who feel free to advise me, and who keep saying that I am funny, hehehe.. See? I can smile now after I called him. Happy!
Hmmm...yes, he is A MAN.  What about that ?
I feel safe with him in any circumstance. You might not believe the unconditional love but I do coz I can assure myself that I have unconditional love for him. I am happier if he is happy. I can share the ridiculous story with him. I can convince myself that he will never undervalue me ever. He also trusts me to share his sadness and happiness. Thank God, you have sent him into my life. I am never disturbed with my own mind whether I am falling in love with him or otherwise he is falling in love with me coz I believe that he is really a true friend. He is my TRUE FRIEND. I should fall in love with him, but I am not… can not promise tomorrow. May I ?............ He must laugh in there. Don’t you remember teasing is one of my expertise ? I am always good in this point.
Hope you know that you mean a lot to me! Really! ….. from my deepest heart.
Promise me that you will never break your spine again. Would you?coz I could not look after you so don’t make me feel guilty, ok?


Deshinta Arrova Dewi said...

Love, True Friend, Love..
A man could make it more complex than our thought...

~ Ёleonora Hedvall~ said...

it's always good to know that we have a real and true friend out there...

satriyo boediwardoyo said...

Hmm ... just watched The Holiday with CAMERON DIAZ, KATE WINSLET, JUDE LAW, JACK BLACK, EDWARD BURNS, RUFUS SEWELL, ... it's all about LOVE and FRIENDSHIP ... but alas Hollywood is sometimes that: make belive stories ... and can never really happen.
But WE can make it happen...!

Rani Marchetti said...

Jangan nangis ya Pat...?

patra rina said...

I cant say anything ... why man could understand us better ? especially me.... can solve problem easily in short time. Easy for me, I am talking about friendship :-). Agree sist?

Deshinta Arrova Dewi said...

agreeee doonnngggg
peaaaceee...he he he...:-P

patra rina said...

Yes, we can make it happen....... Hope he knows that he gives something in my life. Dont be curious who he is... hahaha.. seems I am falling in love with him ? Hmm... Am I ? The answer is not :-)

patra rina said...

ya mba... ini salah satu yang bikin nyesak.. Aku susah sekali untuk menangis padahal rasanya klo nangis mungkin akan jadi lebih baik .. hehe karena sering temanan ama co kali ya ? Jadi aku merasa nangis itu ga nyelesaiin masalah

patra rina said...

Yes, really.. you are right. You are the one :-).

eva novita said...

ur bestfriend pastinya lg pules2nya, mpe ga nyadar mana yg telpon n mana yg alarm, jadi maen pencet aja.. maappphhh yaaaa... am I stil ur bestfriend??? :(

Diana Rochayani said...

hhmmm.. knp gak nelpon sini aja, Ni? disini masih terang :p jadinya aku pasti belum tidur.. hehehe

patra rina said...

Maunya sih Di... tapi berat di ongkos euy, nunggu paket hemat dari provider dulu. Tau ga, daku kan nelfon brotherku di benua sana hihihihi....

Diana Rochayani said...

benerrrr? :p

patra rina said...

Beneran ini mah, abis ada yang prinsip sih... Klo yang satunya, itu baru my hope :-) ... hehehe.. tapi cape juga sih buat hope terus. Jadi gimana donk ? Alah jadi curhat.

gloria amadea said...

mangappp ni...... kirain mau miscall doang hehehehe

patra rina said...

Misscall? Wong biasanya misscall juga diangkat kok hiks.. hiks... ini mah dimatiin .... biar evonk feels guilty hehehehe.... Awas lo, besok2 mpe bangun dicalling nya

XXXX YYYY said...

Patra, I have read your writing. deep in your heart is full of love for people.

patra rina said...

Thanks Lau,
I am happy for having many friends in my life