Sunday, September 6, 2009

A Real Man

Seru juga ikut pelatihan jurnalis yang digelar SERF journalism expeditions. Tahun ini kali kedua aku ikut jadi duta budaya dari organisasi bernama last mile operations. Seru!

Iseng-iseng aku ikut kelas mereka, 11 orang surfer yang juga mahasiswa Amerika dan dua instruktur terkenal Sam George dan Matt George.


Ini nih salah satu tugasnya : Sebutkan 20 A real man menurut kamu.

A Real Man

A real man respect his mother and sister

A real man is rational

A real man is committed and faithful

A real man never breaks promise without acceptable reason

A real man has responsibility

A real man takes a challenge just to improve the quality of his life, not to show his pride

A real man never cries because of his own problem but he cries for the unfair world

A real man can control others, not by giving command by using his eyes and smile

A real man keeps family on the right track without holding them tight

A real man always makes woman feel comfortable beside him

A real man is confident and selfless

A real man doesn’t talk too much especially nonsense word

A real man works hard and sincerely

A real man knows to whom he talks to

A real man never escape from the war when his country attacked by other countries

A real man doesn’t have “magic finger” to show his arrogance and laziness

A real man might love more than woman in his life but he never betrays family by having affair

A real man dares to live more than dares to die

A real man is source of happiness

A real man is my soul mate to be

Itu menurutku...

Nah sekarang PR untuk teman-teman yang kesenggol

1. Evanov

2. Mona

3. Yudimuslim

4. Bunda Elly

5. Henny K Teguh

6. Mba Atik

7. Nikki

8. Diana Rochayani

9. Dponz

10. Deshinta

Attachment: together.jpg
Attachment: together.jpg


Popon Kurniasih said...

wah,,,jadi mesti ngisi A real man versi aku ya say..hhee

1 - 20 ---> A REAL MAN is my husband ^_^ serius...ini serius lho! (Ga boleh protes)

patra rina said...

Dponz -> emang istri shalehah