Sunday, June 8, 2008

Be smart to make choice for love

One of my friends have been crying almost two days. Her eyes turn red and her face was so pail. Her boyfriend just leaved her to get married with his fiance. She never knew that her boyfriend had been cheated her for two years. She was so sad and almost killed herself by piece of beer bottle.
I and my friend tried to calm her down but she kept crying and screaming. She regret for what happened in her life.
I could not believe what I saw. She is so smart, even always high top ranking in her class. She is always happy and strong. I had never seen she was sad, only that day !
Is love blind ? I dont think so.

I believe love becomes a power to brighten our life. Love always bring happiness as long as we can use our brain to make a better choice. Why love bring sadness ? I can say that we can not control ourselves. We depend on someone whom bring loves for us as if we can not live without him/her. It is not true. We are special creature! We can think and feel whether a decision good for our future or not and we have to be ready for the risk. Every choice has to have risk. Dont ever forget that ! Now, focus on what kind of risk that we can deal with ?

Be smart ! Especially for woman!
Man can leave you easily after making love and if you get pregnant, you will raise your child by yourself. So, be smart to select a boyfriend. Peace !

Thursday, June 5, 2008


Dear K
I've told my friends so many times that true love exists in the earth. Mostly, they dont believe about this because it is hard recently to find someone who keeps love only for one person. Even sometimes someone uses love for getting benefit from others. I don't know, I never want to against their opinion. Probably, something bad happened in their life so that the conclusion was verbalized as deep pain. Whatever, I have never been doubt about TRUE LOVE.

TRUE LOVE does exist, not just because you fall in love with somebody. True love wont make you jealous if someone you love care of somebody more, you wont be sad if someone you love get married with his/her lover, you will be happier when someone you love tells you about her/his happiness, you wont be disappointed if someone you love forget to call you. Love is just for love, there is no demand at all.

TRUE love can make you smile everytime you wake up in the morning
TRUE love makes you feel so good, so perfect, and so grateful

You always make me happy
I have no reason to be sad because you keep saying that I am strong
You always remind me that I am "somebody"
You always say that I have done wonderful thing
You always respect all my words and attitude, especially my faith

Faith is something to be achieved
and we agree that variety was created by GOD for us to understand each other, to help each other and to learn from others
That's way we can communicate so well
That's way we always have solution when we have problem
That's way we can laugh together
That's way we can spend our time to have respect for each other
Isn't GOD so wise ?

Then K,
Thank you for everything
Thank you for loving me sincerely
Thank you for understanding me even more than myself
I always have good grace for you
hope we will be walking on the same faith someday
and knocking heaven to build "real life" for us, for family, for friends, and for all human in the world

*Thank God for this TRUE LOVE*