Monday, February 20, 2006

Surfzone Relief Operations (SRO)

After Tsunami, my sister introduced me to her friends : Matt George and Sam George. She was working with them as a leader of medical team. It was a amazing momment for me because I had oppurtunity to do charity work in Simeulue Island with all the great friends. ( I am writing all stories now.. be patient please)

Monday, February 6, 2006

Umrah (my spiritual journey to sacred cities)

This is my letter for my friends, now and next  

Jakarta, 21 May 2005

Dear bothers and sisters,

Hope everyday is always a great day for us…

I’m sure that you wouldn’t mind if I share my umrah story with you all, would you ? It was so amazing!!!. I don’t know how to express my feelings right now. I have been so happy. I am bound to earn and save money to go there again and again and again… as long as I have chance to breathe and to collect money or may be the best choice is improving my skill and applying to be a tour leader for umrah. Just a dream but who knows ? Life would be delightful because we have dreams, right ?

Very sorry if I don’t write properly because so many things racing in my mind. I also hope that you can understand my awful english.

I went to Jeddah via Brunei on May 11, departure from Jakarta. It took two hours flight to Brunei, took of at 7.40 am Indonesian time and arrived in Brunei at 8.40 am Brunei time. These two countries have one hour timed difference, Brunei get one hour faster than Indonesia. Just 40 minutes there, we got into another plane (but still using Royal Brunei Airlines) to reach Mekah, took 8 hours flight to Sarjah airport and continued to King Abdul Aziz air port for 2 hours. I cant imagine how long to reach US. I felt that I had a very long trip. Fortunately, there so many sky shows that I could see. When my eyes got tired, I could sleep easily. We arrived in Makkah was about 4 am in the morning after took 5 hours trip by bus. Makkah and Madinah have 4 hours difference with Padang, so I always slept at 9 pm Makkah or Madinah time that means at 1 pm Padang time.

Soon we stepped to the Hotel in Makkah, we did first “umrah”. There are three pillars of umrah :

  1. Ihram, which is the intention of starting umrah => having a bath to make our body pure, wearing umrah clothes (the pure clothes), praying two raka’ah and making strong intention in our heart that we would do umrah just because of Allah.
  2. Tawaf. We should do seven circuits of Tawaf. => walking counter clockwise of ka’bah. Each circuit start and end at the black stone.
  3. Sa’y. Then, we went to safa hill by walking quickly, come down and walked towards marwah hill, made all the wishes as much as we needed.

The pilgrims who are not able to walk can use the wheelchair for doing this ibadah (ritual).

I couldn’t believe what people said about the miracle of Masjidil Haram (Haram mosque) before.  In example : we could cry without any reason, all our wishes would come true, and we got warning or punishment if we do something wrong, etc until I myself had a few of miracles (it’s hard to explain with the rational thought, there must be Allah’s hands). In normal condition (ex. In Padang), I often get problem with the high temperature, particularly with the strong sunlight. I cant stand above the sun for more than 10 minutes. I will get dizzy if I push myself to do that. But, there, in the range of temperature 37 – 42 o C with the stronger sunlight and lower humidity, I could make 7 circuits of tawaf without feeling hot at all (I had been doing tawaf five times before each pray everyday). I even felt cool at that time, as my wish to Allah. I had this condition only when I did tawaf  in the middle of masjidil haram where the ka’bah is has no roof . But the condition was different  when I walked outside of the mosque, I had to wear sun glasses because my eyes couldn’t be opened and I felt so hot but still I never got dizzy at all, ever. While I made wishes near the Ka’bah, my tears came out not under my control and stopped after all of the wishes done.

One day, after doing zuhur pray (about 13.00 pm), I felt so thirsty and imagined how fresh the zam-zam water to drink but I had to finish my du’a (pray) first. Just a minute, someone, an Arabian woman whom I never knew before walked in front of me and brought zam-zam water, as my wish. Not only for one time .. also another time when I made a wish to Allah, The Most Gracious. It was really not coincidence.

Another experience, usually every time I entered the mosque, I always remind myself about number or name of the mosque’s gate and the shoes shelf where I put my shoes. I had to do this because all of  gates are very similar, we couldn’t differentiate one to another. But, that day, I entered one gate and I just put my shoes on the one of shoes shelf (I forgot to remember the number of the shelf). After doing the ritual, I couldn’t find my shoes. I searched every shelf but still hadnt found yet. Suddenly, someone who is cleaning service of the mosque that I never saw before came to me, spoke english (it’s hard to find someone who can speak english there), and said “Sister, you put your shoes over there”. He led me to the shelf that he pointed. I couldn’t understand how he knew that I had been looking for my shoes and he could recognize my shoes. So many pilgrims there, all of them wearing white dresses, like my dress. Again, I believe it was not coincidence. I believe Allah helping me with his hand.

I also got a warning there. At the third day in Makkah, I whispered to myself “Mmh.. Why this mosque is not as big as I ever watched in the television, seem smaller” (not good thinking, right ?). After zuhur pray (about 1.30 pm) I went to the supermarket and I didn’t know that I chose the wrong way when I wanted to came back to my hotel after shopping. Actually, I could made shortcut by entering the mosque but again, I didn’t know why I didn’t do that at that time. I walked outside the mosque and felt very hot. I didn’t realize that I have almost made one circle of the mosque. Honestly, I have to admit that masjidil Haram is so big, very big ! Then, I asked Allah to forgive my proud. Unbelievable, I just need 10 minutes to reach my hotel. Now, I have stronger belief in Allah existence and how Merciful Allah is.

The next experience, I could see all of my acquaintance smiling faces every time I made wishes. I don’t know what sign of this. I could see all face of friends as if I saw the slide of photos, one by one appeared with fresh and happy face. Thus, I could make the wishes for all of my families and my friends, even for someone who ever made me feel hurt.

The last day, when I stood in Multazam, a place between black stone (Hajar Aswad) and door of Ka’bah, the place which is blessed by Allah. He promises to make all the wish comes true there. You know, I couldn’t move until I mentioned all of my hopes to Him with flood of tears. I couldn’t stop crying, I felt so sad to leave Ka’bah, even though I know Allah will always be beside us every time but my soul felt very convenient there. But, I was also conscious that I had many things to do in my country and I was so sure that Allah will give me another chance to go there. Perhaps.. with you, guys. I wonder we have the same way, so that we could be together in heaven like we were together on the boat. Nothing is impossible, isnt it ? Just a hope.

Another side of the journey. We did “ziarah” – going to the historical places.

We went to some rock mountains, which had been used by prophet “Muhammad” while  he spread Islam there. I admire the prophet more than before and believe how strong his influence is. He already died hundred years ago but the people still do what he taught which was got from voice of Allah.

Again, I cried for remembering his effort to us. He had to walk and hike on the sharp rock or he just could use camel as the transportation. The fruit plants are very rare, we only found korma’s trees, At-Tin trees and Zaitun trees. What he did if he, his companions and the followers got hungry ? I’m truly grateful for what I have right now. I have a nice house, I can choose food that I want to eat, I can lie down on soft bed and I can see my friends wherever I miss them without feeling scared to be caught or to be killed by enemy. I promise to myself to be always thankful for whatever I have in the rest my life. I hope I can keep my promise and I really need you to remind me.

The government of Saudi Arabia imports fruits, rice, wheat and all kind of plants from another country to feed their people. But nowadays, they succeed to plant some fruits by using high biotechnology, i.e. watermelons and cucumbers. They also have green line in the middle of the road, was planted by very expensive plants. Because of that, you will pay  fine if you break it. The plants are different with others; it is never withered even in dry season with the highest temperature and lowest humidity – ever lasting green.  I also thought all the people are very rich. It’s hard to find motorcycle there. Most of the citizens are living in apartment.

Oh, I almost forget to tell you about the miracle of the well of zam-zam in Makkah, exactly in Masjidil Haram which has plentiful of water that never dry since the angel scraped it for Ibrahim’s son, Ismael. Although thousands pilgrims has been coming every months and drinking this water since centuries ago but the water is still exist. The government of Makkah also sends these waters to Medinah and other cities, also give to the pilgrims 10 liters for each. Again, this well never dries.  We also can drink the fresh water, no need to boil. Zam-zam has complete nourishment and can heal the disease. Allah mentioned this (we can find in Koran and Hadith  – Muhammad’s speech as well) before the scientist proved it.

Also the nice view was when I could see people from all of the world, white to black skin, infant to 90 years old, weak to strong, short to tall gathered in one place and helped each other sincerely. No differences there, except the sincere worship of Allah. Allah never looks at our status and physic; He only looks at our sincerity for doing everything even for a very little good thing, especially when we do it constantly. Just for  an example : keep smiling whenever we meet relatives and friends.

The  important thing, there was no mosquito in those sacred cities (Makkah and Medinah), not even one ! 

Last but no least…. When you hear Allah is calling you, don’t turn away, follow your conscience as he leads you to find the way… We will be walking together now and next. Insya Allah….  Aamin Allaahumma aamiin.







Sunday, February 5, 2006

For A Longing

For A Longing


One day.. One time..

we never dreamt to meet each other

but.. that day..

not even one could refuse destiny

'till this time..

those sincere faces and smiles live in memories

Not many words that have been spoken

Just staring at each other.. through the soul

Till then.. this journey became witness of

the bonding of hearts and loves which was never mentioned

The happiness from having a new family

has exiled all the sadness

May be one day .. one time..

this episode will be repeated

but.. it would never be the same

Let these lovely memories live and stay alive in our hearts

call for it if loneliness comes by

remember a nice world that we've created..

without envy and pretence

In each prayer, we pour out all the longing

because love could never be verbalized

Just feel it...


Sunday, 13 February 2005, 03:17 pm, Mikumba on voyage

Thank God, You give me so much love